Margo Rosignana: Teacher Feature

Margo1. How did you find your way to yoga?

After I graduated from college I moved to Taos, NM. Everyone in Taos was into an alternative lifestyle. It seemed only natural that I should discover yoga in Taos—a pretty heavy place energetically and spiritually. After my first class, I immediately bought Donna Farhi’s book Yoga Mind, Body and Spirit, a new yoga mat, and a Mexican blanket. I was hooked.

2. What is your practice like off the mat? How do you live your yoga?
I tend to be overly analytical and want to process everything, which means I am in my head way too much. I am learning to be more open, instead of closing myself off to new experiences. I have developed a daily writing practice, which helps tremendously.
Recently, I started teaching yoga to combat veterans once a month. This has been an amazing experience to give back to the people in my community. The best thing that I can do to get out of my head (besides yoga and meditation) is to be of service. The veterans are so appreciative that it’s impossible to consider my own worries.
3. What’s your favorite thing about the Lila yoga community?
I love the dedication, focus, and commitment of the students and teachers at Lila. Whenever I practice at Lila, I learn a new way to be in my body, thus shifting a pattern of holding to one that feels more spacious. I love chatting with students prior to class and learning about their joys and challenges both on and off the mat.
4. Which pose is your “asana nemesis,” the one that you loathe, but should probably be doing more?
My “asana nemesis” is Natarajasana. When I see this pose executed with a sense of grace and elegance, I am in awe.  My whole body feels cranky in this pose. Perhaps it goes back to my overly analytical nature. I’m so focused on the alignment of the pose that I forget to allow a sense of opening. I do love the symbolism of Shiva Nataraja doing his Dance of Bliss, the never-ending cycle of creation, maintenance, and dissolution. It’s a good reminder that everything has a rhythm that ebbs and flows and to be OK with where you are in the process.
2017-09-17T18:04:41+00:00April 2nd, 2015|Teacher Feature|0 Comments

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