Teacher Feature: Caroline Ginsberg

How would you describe yoga?

Yoga started for me as a physical practice, a way to listen and drop into the quieter corners of the body. A tool for finding connection to breath and noticing the patterns of the mind. These days, yoga feels so much bigger. A way of navigating the moments, bringing more wholeness and awareness to experience, and as a way to connect compassionately to ourselves, those around us, our planet… the broader experience of being human.

How did you find your way to yoga?

– I remember hearing about yoga from my mom when I was young, but was always drawn to the more rigorous activities of running, biking, soccer… In between XC and track seasons in college, I stumbled upon a yoga class and thought it would be good for my flexibility. The feeling in my body and the calmness and sweetness in my mind after leaving the class was an ‘ah ha’ moment. I signed up for the semester series and haven’t stopped since.

Who is your primary teacher right now?

– I was training with Johanna Bell all last year and found her approach incredibly inspiring and unique. Her classes take you on a journey! I feel so lucky to cross paths and learn from so many teachers in my life right now! What inspires you to keep teaching? – I love when I see a student drop in, when they begin to move and breathe with such presence, strength, power. Teaching is such a learning experience for me, and that keeps me so inspired.

What is your practice like off the mat?

How would you say you live your yoga? – Oh, so many ways. Recently I have been working with patience and slowing down. I often find myself buzzing between one thing and the next, so the practice of tuning in, slowing down, softening has opened up space for so much more patience and presence with myself and others.

Do you have a routine or ritualistic way to starting each day?

If so, please describe. – Luckily I am an early riser because I adore the mornings. After drinking a ton of warm water, I love to sit in quiet for 10-20 minutes (although, admittingly, my meditation practice has drifted a bit this summer…) then stretch and flow through a few gentle movements, often tapping into what I want to teach that week. I also am lucky that I can walk a mile to my work so having this time…

What are some non-negotiables you have in your life right now to maintain balance and health in everyday living?

– I love to be outside. I try and sneak out for walks or runs or the woods whenever I can. I start to go crazy when I am inside for too long! My community and connection with dear friends are also totally essential!

What draws you to the Lila community?

– I love how much it feels like a community! The studio and all those who share in the space emanate such warmth and openness.

If you would suggest one book to the community to read as an opportunity to deepen their learning on life, yoga, and all things, what would it be?

– I found Charlies Eisenstein’s, The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible to be such a thought-provoking and helpful book this year. His examination into our interconnectedness came at a time when I was craving some ways to reexamine and overcome the cynicism and overwhelm of our world.

2019-09-05T00:57:25+00:00September 5th, 2019|Teacher Feature|0 Comments

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